The Path to Creating A Home You Love: Join Our Custom Home-Building Online Course

It takes focus and dedication to create a home you’ll love—and I know exactly what that feels like. I’ve put a tremendous amount of focus and dedication into creating an online course for those considering a custom home project, but don’t know where to get started.

When I sat down to develop our Create A Home You Love course, I was reminded of an experience I had with a friend of mine last summer: One day, I was thinking out loud to her that I’d like to climb a mountain. A real mountain. Bear Peak in Colorado, to be exact. Her response? “Sounds cool, let’s do it.”

We had never done anything like this before and really didn’t know what all was involved, but we did it anyway. As soon as we arrived, we found ourselves standing on one end of the world with the mountaintop in the distance—all the way out there, far off in the yonder.

At that moment, I remember thinking, How do we get there? And then we just started putting one foot in front of the other—blindly on this well-worn path. There were no directional signs, but we could tell which way we were supposed to go.

As we began walking, hiking and climbing, we started feeling pretty tired. When I turned around to look back on our progress, I realized we hadn’t gotten very far at all.

And we had no idea how much farther we had to go.

We knew where we wanted to go but the path was unknown. It was a lot to take in.

The good news? We made it to the top. It was amazing. Totally and utterly amazing. I would do that part of the trip a zillion times over. But now we had to get down. We had to go just as far, just as treacherous, just as hot—all the way back down to our car.

The bad news? We didn't bring enough water. We didn't bring enough food. And it was just as hard going down as it was going up. I may or may not have cried and or puked. More than once. But you know what? If I run into you at a cocktail party, I still get to say I climbed a mountain.

It was hard. And if you don't know how to get there and you don't know what to take along the way or who to ask for help, then you also may or may not cry and or puke. But you'll live. And you’ll get to boast about it for the rest of your life.

Climbing my first mountain is a perfect analogy for what it can feel like when you’re considering a home build project. 

I've been in the custom home business for almost 30 years, and that analogy is exactly what I want to communicate to my clients. It's hard. And if you don't know the path, you're not going to take the right supplies. You're not going to ask the right people for help. You're not going to get the right team assembled.

Whether you lose money or you end up with a project that you're not in love with, you'll live through it and it'll be fine, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I certainly don’t want it to be that way for you.

With our Create A Home You Love online course, it can be so much better. Easier. More fun.

Designed to be ‘Step Zero’ in your home-building experience, you’ll end up equipped with the knowledge you need to turn your vision into a reality. Plus, you’ll learn how to set priorities early, establish a budget (and stick to it!), find the perfect location, and choose your team of professionals.

I’m especially excited about the 20-page, fill-in-the-blanks, printable workbook that’s included with the course. As you go through the five lessons, you’ll make the lists, work through the budget, assemble your team and figure out who you need and who you don't.

The five lessons you’ll work through take fewer than two hours to complete.

Lesson 1: Your Why

Imagine your everyday living—what do you want to feel? How about on special occasions? Why is this important to you?

Lesson 2: Your Priorities 

Rank your priorities (budget, family, design, and legacy) to help guide spaces, budget, site, and process

Lesson 3: Your Budget 

Use our construction cost calculator to get a true understanding of your custom home investment

Lesson 4: Your Site 

Find and vet the perfect spot for your home with eight custom-to-you site criteria

Lesson 5: Your Process 

Hit your ideal move-in date and start building your team from builders to architects and more

When you’ve finished the course, you’ll have a workbook you can take to any architect or builder who can use it as a solid starting point for your project. Essentially, you’ll have created a path—a path you and your architect or builder can follow from beginning to end. One that won’t leave either of you crying. Or puking.

I am so proud of the course and of how it’s helped those who are considering a custom home project create a path they feel really good about taking.

Ready to take the leap? Let’s do this.

Have any questions?

Although we covered a lot in this post, you may still have some other questions about our Create A Home You Love course. Whether you’re involved in the custom home process now, or even just considering it, join our free Facebook group—we’ll help you answer any questions you might have! Also, feel free to invite anyone that you think would benefit from this collaborative. You’ll not only get advice from me, but from other people who have been through this, too.

Start the process.

When it comes to designing and building a custom home, nothing beats having a trusted, experienced team of architects on your side. Let’s set up a call to meet, discuss your goals, answer your questions, and settle your fears. We can’t wait to meet you!